Action KA103 - Mobility for Teachers and Students

Mobility for Teachers


The Erasmus+ Teaching staff mobility programme (STA, Staff Mobility for Teaching Assignment) offers teachers the opportunity to carry out a period of teaching (teaching assignment) or training (workshops, shadowing or training activities) abroad. The aim is to make use of their skills and to acquire new ones, with positive effects on the professionalism of the individual and to the benefit of the whole organisation, both at home and abroad.

More info (in Italian): :





Mobility for Students


Erasmus students are entitled to loans and to a financial contribution towards the costs of living abroad, and to grants released accordingly with the cost of living in the participating countries.


To participate in the programme, it is necessary to apply to the relevant institutions. Specific objectives, duration, budget and regulations can be found at the following links



Erasmus+ at the Scuola SMFN (in Italian):


Erasmus+ University webpage (in Italian):

Last update



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